I have circumnavigated the globe since my last posting. I have flown from Toronto to Hong Kong and on to Bangkok, hopped a ship to cruise around the Malay Peninsula and across to India and finally ashore in Oman. Days in the desert just hours from Dubai brought the fabulous holiday to a memorable conclusion.
In Kuala Lumpur
May and June have been largely taken up with school visits talking about authorship and Shire Summer in particular. The students at North Bridlewood, Churchill Heights, William Davis, Fleming, Charlottetown, West Rouge and Dundas have been wonderfully stimulating audiences and I have loved every minute of my time back in the classroom and library.
Some book fans at a local Scarborough School
And now I am happy to announce a couple of book signings:
The first at Chapters in Ajax, 90 Kingston Rd. on July 8th and
The second at the Kennedy Commons Chapters in Scarborough, 20 William Kitchen Road on July 29th.
On both of these Saturdays, from 11 am till about 3 pm, I will have a desk stacked with copies of Shire Summer and other paraphernalia related to the novel and would love to see some of my student fans and their families join me.
My book is on the shelves at Chapters, Ajax now and will be shortly at Kennedy Commons too.